is a tiny wandering imaginary dinosaur which migrated from AOL in October of 2008.

Thinking Lizard

About Me

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Rhodingeedaddee is my node blog. See my other blogs and recent posts.


[6-16-2009 Update Insert: Most of what is in this space is now moot. I found out what I was doing wrong and have reinstated Archives and Labels searches. They do work. However, in certain cases you may prefer Labels to Archives. Example: 1976 Today begins in November of 2006 and concludes in December of 2006, but there are other related posts in other months. Note: Labels only shows 20 posts at a time. There are 21 hubs, making 21 (which is for 1976 Today) an older hub.] ********************************* to my online poems and song lyrics using Archives. Use hubs for finding archival locations but do not link through them. Originally an AOL Journal, where the archive system was nothing like the system here, this blog was migrated from there to here in October of 2008. Today (Memorial/Veteran's Day, May 25, 2009) I discovered a glitch when trying to use a Blogger archive. Now, it may be template-related, but I am unable to return to S M or to the dashboard once I am in the Archives. Therefore, I've decided on this approach: a month-by-month post guide. The sw you see in the codes here stood for Salchert's Weblog when I began it in November of 2006. It later became Sprintedon Hollow. AOL provided what were called entry numbers, but they weren't consistent, and they didn't begin at the first cardinal number. That is why the numbers after "sw" came to be part of a post's code. ************** Here then is the month-by-month post guide: *2006* November: 00001 through 00046 - December: 00047 through 00056 -- *2007* January: 00057 through 00137 - February: 00138 through 00241 - March: 00242 through 00295 - April: 00296 through 00356 - May: 00357 through 00437 - June: 00438 through 00527 - July: 00528 though 00550 - August: 00551 through 00610 - September: 00611 through 00625 - October: 00626 through 00657 - November: 00658 through 00729 - December: 00730 through 00762 -- *2008* January: 00763 through 00791 - February: 00792 through 00826 - March: 00827 through 00849 - April: 00850 through 00872 - May: 00873 through 00907 - June: 00908 through 00931 - July: 00932 through 00955 - August: 00956 through 00993 - September 00994 through 01005 - October: 01006 through 01007 - November: 01008 through 01011 - December: 01012 through 01014 -- *2009* January: 01015 through 01021 - February: 01022 through 01028 - March: 01029 through 01033 - April: 01034 through 01036 - May: 01037 through 01044 - ******************************************************* 1976 Today: 2006/11 and 2006/12 -- Rooted Sky 2007: 2007/01/00063rsc -- Postures 2007: 2007/01/sw00137pc -- Sets: 2007/02/sw00215sgc -- Venturings: 2007/03/00216vc -- The Undulant Trees: 2007/03/00266utc -- This Day's Poem: 2007/03/00267tdpc -- Autobio: 2007/04/sw00316ac -- Fond du Lac: 2007/04/00339fdl -- Justan Tamarind: 2007/05/sw00366jtc -- Prayers in December: 2007/05/sw00393pindc -- June 2007: 2007/06/sw00440junec -- Seminary: 2007/07/sw00533semc -- Scatterings: 2008/08/00958sc ** Song Lyrics: 2008/02/sw00797slc ********** 2009-06-02: Have set S M to show 200 posts per page. Unfortunately, you will need to scroll to nearly the bottom of a page to get to the next older/newer page.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Math Twentieths Funky Bar Graph - and some nnss-related findings [ last modified: 2008-10-27 ] kestroke formula for bottom line: n + (n + 1) If you want to make a graph for twenty twentieths, you will need 20 + (20 + 1) bottom-line keystrokes. # 033107 insight which uses nnss terms: see at *** below and also an insight which uses non-nnss integers 032807 Note: n + (n + 1) is a natural number summation sequence formula when a term in the nnss is an odd integer. There are therefore only certain numbers which can be "n" numbers, and there is a pattern inherent in this set of numbers. 0 and 1 are the first pair of "n" numbers. 7 and 10 are the second pair of "n" numbers. 22 and 27 are the third pair of "n" numbers. 45 and 52 are the fourth pair of "n" numbers. What can be determined about these numbers? One: the difference between the numbers in each succeeding pair increases by a factor of 2. Two: the difference between the greater number in a given pair and the lesser number in the following pair increases by a multiple of 6. Three: notice how multiples of 8 relate to these "n" numbers. (8 x 0) - 0 = 0 / (8 x 1) - 7 = 1 (8 x 3) - 22 = 2 / (8 x 6) - 45 = 3 (8 x 10) - 76 = 4 / (8 x 15) - 115 = 5 - Stop. 22 - 7 = 15. (7 x 2) + 1 = 15. 45 - 22 = 23. (7 x 3) + 2 = 23. 76 - 45 = 31. (7 x 4) + 3 = 31. 115 - 76 = 39. (7 x 5) + 4 = 39. So, this difference group of numbers wherein the difference between terms is 8: 7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 55, 63, 71, 79, n. - Now, (7 x 6) + 5 = 47. 47 + 115 = 162. (8 x 21) = 168. 168 - 162 = 6. - (7 x 7) + 6 = 55. 55 + 162 = 217. (8 x 28) = 224. 224 - 217 = 7. - (7 x 8) + 7 = 63. 63 + 217 = 280. (8 x 36) = 288. 288 - 280 = 8. - (7 x 9) + 8 = 71. 71 + 280 = 351. (8 x 45) = 360. 360 -351 = 9. - (7 x 10) + 9 = 79. 79 +351 = 430. (8 x 55) = 440. 440 -430 = 10. - 45 is both in the "n" number group and is a term in the nnss because 22 is in the "n" group and 22 + (22 + 1) = 45. - *** (7 x 0) + 0 = 0 (7 x 0) + 1 = 1 (7 x 1) + 0 = 7 (7 x 1) + 3 = 10 (7 x 3) + 1 =22 (7 x 3) + 6 = 27 (7 x 6) + 3 = 45 (7 x 6) + 10 = 52 (7 x 10) + 6 = 76 (7 x 10) + 15 = 85 (7 x 15) + 10 = 115 (7 x 15) + 21 = 126 # 0 + (0 + 1) = 1 | 1 + (1 + 1) = 3 7 + (7 + 1) = 15 | 10 + (10 + 1) = 21 22 + (22 + 1) = 45 | 27 + (27 + 1) = 55 45 + (45 + 1) = 91 | 52 + (52 + 1) = 105 - difference notes: pairs: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50 < run: 14, 30, 46, n (beinning with 1): 1, 15, 45, 91, n > run: 18, 34, 50, n (beginning wirh 3): 3, 21, 55, 105, n ?: How can one tell from the "pairs" differences/ what the "< run" and "> run" integers are? Answer: Half of a pair difference times the pair difference equals an integer from which when the half of its pair difference is subtracted out = its "< run" # and from which when the half of its pair difference is added in = its "> run" #. Example: 14/2 = 7. 7 x 14 = 98. 98 - 7 = 91. 98 + 7 = 105. - 12:39 PM March 31, 2007 - This means that/ beginning with a positive "2" is a set of positive integers controlled by the positive even-number multiples of positive "8" from which the terms in the nnss (natural number summation sequense) can be derived. "98" is the fourth term in that set. Here is an initial look: 2 18 50 98 162 242 338 450 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 - How can one know that "7" is the essential positive integer associatedwith "98"?Enter termposition. 2 x 4 = 8, and and 8 - 1 = 7. How can one know that at term-position 4 the positive integer associated with it is "98"? This is a bit more difficult, and also contains a circular trap. This is the trap: 98 -2 = 96. 96/16 = 6. "6" is--if one accepts "0" as term 1 in the nnss--at term-position 4, with "1" being at term-position 2 and "3" being at term-position 3. So: time- out. [ Used my in-bold numbers in an advanced search and got a single result which is attributed to Joshua Zucker and the Castilleja School MathCounts club (joshua.zucher (AT) stanford, Nov 07 2002, and has to do with: Maximum number of regions the plane can be divided into using n (concave) quadrilaterals. Do what I did to learn more. ] This doesn't settle my quandary, which is quite different. It may be that the trap I exposed is actually a proof, but I desire a less circuitous answer. 98 - 4 = 94. 50 - 3 = 47. 18 - 2 = 16. 2 - 1 = 1. 15, 31, 47, n which suggests "n" will be 63. 63 + 94 = 157, and 162 - 5 = 157. So now yet another set of differences begins, but to what purpose? Obviously, 16 or (8 x 2) controls this set, and (63 + 1)/16 = 4. Perhaps I will return here tomorrow. Can't let this go. 2 + (16 x 1) = 18; 18 + (16 x 2) = 50; 50 + (16 x 3) = 98; 98 + (16 x 4) = 162. The only answer I can come up with is the term-position match answer, aided by knowing that if 2 less than a number in my in-bold set is evenly divisble by 16, that number may be correct. I must go again. 4:53 PM - Who stole the magic? 3 - 1 = 2. 10 - 6 = 4. 21 - 15 = 6. 36 - 28 = 8. 55 - 45 = 10. I am trying to see something. Toward that end I have left out "0". 50 is at term-position (t-p) 3, and (50 - 2)/16 = 3. If I let 50 be at t-p 5, then its position would match its -/+ difference. My in-bold numbers do pertain only to the odd nnss terms, but it appears I simply ought to make believe the even nnss terms still matter/ and assign only odd term positions to my in-bold numbers. What thinkest thou? Doing so woud certainly simplify matters. I am going to do it. So: How can one know that at t-p 7 the positive integer associated with it is "98"? 98/7 = 14, which appears to be at t-p 4 in the "pairs" run, but from here on will be at t-p 7 in that run. There are times when making believe has its advantages. - see my nnss entry - ~ # twentieths funky bargraph


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# Brian A. J. Salchert

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