Five to eight times this year I have gone through the entries in this journal: redesigning, correcting errors, and/or double-checking. Daily life needs and sanity diversions often interrupted those runs. On one run I deleted my name from most entries. Then, within three hours after posting an entry which did not reveal my name/ someone went to my archives, took a picture of it, and shared it with a large site as though that someone had written it. Somewhat reluctantly/ I put my name on that entry. A day later (best I could tell through a Google search) that large site had either hidden or removed it. Honestly, what I posted wasn't to my mind all that special; but I would not care if some other person or persons used it as the base for something better. The main point here is that: in putting my name back on my entries, I was led to make other design changes. Wherever I saw entry-specific redundancies, I deleted what was redundant. Example: If in an entry's subject "poem15" appeared, and in that entry's body "poem 15" appeared, I removed the "poem 15" in its body because the subject matter is always boldly transferred to the top of that entry's body it relates to. Another such concerns the name I have given my journal (blog). That name shows in archives; besides, I have concluded it is just an added distraction; and, what if I one day decide to change this journal's name. That is not likely to happen, but having to remove the old name from who-knows-how-many entries// would not be a pleasure. What is most important are the subject and the body text pertaining to the subject. So, to the bottom of an entry go those journal-related bits of info I consider useful: the link to the homepage, my name, the AOL-provided entry number. Of course, these bits are not/ absolutes. - Have been thinking about it over lunch: am going on an entry-#-removal tour/ because my rationale for posting them/ has lost what little validity it originally had. That is why the crust of snow we got Thursday is melting. . 10:49 PM - Unless I missed one (or more), my tour concluded at 10:48. Actually did not expect to get done today. Will need to go back and check links, a task which will take a long while. There are also some other not-quite-right situations. - Brian A. J. Salchert
is a tiny wandering imaginary dinosaur which migrated from AOL in October of 2008.
About Me
- brian (baj) salchert
- Rhodingeedaddee is my node blog. See my other blogs and recent posts.
[6-16-2009 Update Insert: Most of what is in this space is now moot. I found out what I was doing wrong and have reinstated Archives and Labels searches. They do work. However, in certain cases you may prefer Labels to Archives. Example: 1976 Today begins in November of 2006 and concludes in December of 2006, but there are other related posts in other months. Note: Labels only shows 20 posts at a time. There are 21 hubs, making 21 (which is for 1976 Today) an older hub.] ********************************* to my online poems and song lyrics using Archives. Use hubs for finding archival locations but do not link through them. Originally an AOL Journal, where the archive system was nothing like the system here, this blog was migrated from there to here in October of 2008. Today (Memorial/Veteran's Day, May 25, 2009) I discovered a glitch when trying to use a Blogger archive. Now, it may be template-related, but I am unable to return to S M or to the dashboard once I am in the Archives. Therefore, I've decided on this approach: a month-by-month post guide. The sw you see in the codes here stood for Salchert's Weblog when I began it in November of 2006. It later became Sprintedon Hollow. AOL provided what were called entry numbers, but they weren't consistent, and they didn't begin at the first cardinal number. That is why the numbers after "sw" came to be part of a post's code. ************** Here then is the month-by-month post guide: *2006* November: 00001 through 00046 - December: 00047 through 00056 -- *2007* January: 00057 through 00137 - February: 00138 through 00241 - March: 00242 through 00295 - April: 00296 through 00356 - May: 00357 through 00437 - June: 00438 through 00527 - July: 00528 though 00550 - August: 00551 through 00610 - September: 00611 through 00625 - October: 00626 through 00657 - November: 00658 through 00729 - December: 00730 through 00762 -- *2008* January: 00763 through 00791 - February: 00792 through 00826 - March: 00827 through 00849 - April: 00850 through 00872 - May: 00873 through 00907 - June: 00908 through 00931 - July: 00932 through 00955 - August: 00956 through 00993 - September 00994 through 01005 - October: 01006 through 01007 - November: 01008 through 01011 - December: 01012 through 01014 -- *2009* January: 01015 through 01021 - February: 01022 through 01028 - March: 01029 through 01033 - April: 01034 through 01036 - May: 01037 through 01044 - ******************************************************* 1976 Today: 2006/11 and 2006/12 -- Rooted Sky 2007: 2007/01/00063rsc -- Postures 2007: 2007/01/sw00137pc -- Sets: 2007/02/sw00215sgc -- Venturings: 2007/03/00216vc -- The Undulant Trees: 2007/03/00266utc -- This Day's Poem: 2007/03/00267tdpc -- Autobio: 2007/04/sw00316ac -- Fond du Lac: 2007/04/00339fdl -- Justan Tamarind: 2007/05/sw00366jtc -- Prayers in December: 2007/05/sw00393pindc -- June 2007: 2007/06/sw00440junec -- Seminary: 2007/07/sw00533semc -- Scatterings: 2008/08/00958sc ** Song Lyrics: 2008/02/sw00797slc ********** 2009-06-02: Have set S M to show 200 posts per page. Unfortunately, you will need to scroll to nearly the bottom of a page to get to the next older/newer page.
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Saturday, February 2, 2008
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